Mask and Vaccine Discussion

General conversation regarding mandates in the state.


Starting points:

a) Are masks and routine testing in schools meeting the definition of child abuse?
b) If so, who would be complicit in this already illegal act? Under whose authority is the mask being provided and/or affixed to the child? Is parents choice really the right answer if masks are abuse?
c) Is the requirement of vaccination for access to school meeting the definition of tyranny? Why or why not?
d) If so, what legally makes this vaccine not ok but other vaccines ok to be required for entry? How can this distinction, if any, be captured in existing law?

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I believe that masking/testing/jabbing children is abuse… however, I think these things are also abusing adults, thanks to scare factors coming from ‘the idiot box.’ All these mandates need gone. They have done nothing from the beginning, and the further we are into this “pandemic” the more the populace believes the lies that are told. (One mask no longer works, so wear two. One shot doesn’t work now so get another, and another…) We need to discuss getting rid of all these ‘mandates’ for everyone. I’ve had small children stare at my ‘free face’…

I’m seeing families out and about wearing matching masks and it saddens and infuriates me at the same time. I think we need to figure out how to change hearts and minds… how to wake people up.


i wish i had great answers for all these questions…imo it is a form of abuse and a denial of freedom of choice…my grandkids are active in various school activities and i sadly chose not to attend these activities due to the counties mandate. :frowning: …history has proven that even vaccinations that have went through extensive precovid approval via the fda up to 10 years after the vaccinations approval (zostavax is a perfect examaple.) are no longer recommended for use. I find it debatable whether any vaccine is truly effective without causing any side effects since it can take years after being given to the public to determine long term side effects.


I copied and pasted to help organize my own thoughts and answers.
“a) Are masks and routine testing in schools meeting the definition of child abuse?”

Not if the adult parents/guardians are consenting. As a nurse I can apply this concept to bringing one’s child into a hospital. If the child is dehydrated you can expect invasive procedures and testing which are painful and violating. The consenting adults allowing the procedures know (at least they do if they ask enough questions) the intended purposes of them. However, if the parents do NOT agree with what’s being advised they have choices to make. Follow the recommended policies, guidelines, mandates, rules, etc or not. If not, then there are multiple means of noncompliance. No one answers seems to suit everyone. Some parents are fine with their children being masked and tested. There is some, albeit inconsistent evidence of benefits. Some parents aren’t fine with it, but they still consent for the time being. And that’s ultimately still their choice and their own conscience. They can get exemptions written by healthcare professionals and/or they can verbally say no and bring suit if violated. They can pull their kids from public systems until local officials listen to their demands. I’m sure there are other options I’ve not mentioned off hand.
“b) If so, who would be complicit in this already illegal act? Under whose authority is the mask being provided and/or affixed to the child? Is parents choice really the right answer if masks are abuse?”

I’m not convinced that consenting adults allowing the masks and testing are complicit, unless the adults consider it abuse, but still let it go on. As I provided the example from the standpoint of nursing. Children get needles for lab work, IVs, Foley catheters in healthcare settings. All of which could be considered illegal in a different context, but not when the adult agrees with the measures/treatments. The ultimatum for those with influence/political pull comes when the adults say, “Stop,” “No more,” “I don’t agree with that at all.” As soon as they violate the consent of a parent, they’ve broken a great deal of ethical/moral laws.

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Copied and pasted again:
“c) Is the requirement of vaccination for access to school meeting the definition of tyranny? Why or why not?”

Yes, and it’s only because of the COVID-19 shots that I’ve changed my stance on this. I don’t trust them, and nobody should be forced into something they don’t trust. Nobody should be forced by government entities to receive injectables that carry risk of death and maiming. Especially the highest of risks.

“d) If so, what legally makes this vaccine not ok but other vaccines ok to be required for entry? How can this distinction, if any, be captured in existing law?”

None of them being forced is ok to me anymore. It is tyrannical and I’ll support any person or organization wishing to abolish these requirements. Since the COVID-19 shot mandates hit home I’ve been digging into information about the Vaccine Adverse Event Reporting System (VAERS) and finding the alarming facts about its underutilization. I’ve only scratched the surface of discovery, but I’ve been finding out some workplace/local reasons for it not being used enough. The reasons are not justifiable and I am convinced our community could bring litigation against their local systems if enough people banded together.


Trying to sum up actionable items, please add if I’ve missed any:

  • Get rid of mandates - I assume this means orders that bypass congress passing a law, which would come from county or state level departments of health or education, or chief executive. This would mean defining broader limits on the executive power, to include emergeny powers, and not just for covid-19 related powers.

  • Change hearts and minds - on the medical front, this sounds like outreach to promote the availability of complete data, versus the cherry-picked talking point promotions we get now. On the freedom front, which I see as Marshall’s strength, probably public messaging outlining the importance of choice and the importance of good (real/unfiltered) information to enable folks to make the right choices.

  • Revisit vaccination requirements for entry into public areas/services, to include schools. Are these rules really about public health? Who would be put at risk with removing these rules? What value do they bring to communities today (if any)?


i saw where senator rucker introduced a bill to eliminate the hep b requirement in schools

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I sent a FOIA to my County’s BOE and specifically asked if they were going to follow the W.H.O. recommendations and allow vaccine clinic to come and consider student presence as consent. The answer wasn’t a direct, “No,” but it seemed to indicate that they aren’t planning to. At least for now.

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Please see the public Facebook post under Trena Bolin, Princeton WV from 2 days ago. This post provides the results of weeks of FOIA requests and research as to why the mask mandates and quarantines are being enforced in Mercer County. More than likely, the same grants have been awarded throughout the majority of counties in WV.

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@H3Bomb Ron, I thought you might appreciate this if you haven’t already seen it.


Yes I watched/listened to her part of the discussion. She did awesome and I looked up the company she’s part of, American Frontline Nurses. I may consider joining their group in the near future.

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Com. Sub. for H. B. 4012 - Prohibiting the showing of proof of a COVID-19 vaccination and Com. Sub. for H. B. 4071 - Mask and Quarantine Option For Parents and Faculty are both on first reading in house today

i just have to vent this evening after watching a story on wsaz this eve about vac and unvac … the story implies basically that unvaccinated people are making the vaccinated sick with illnesses other than just covid…what happened to the october report that the vaccine is 5 times more protective than natural immunity (sarcasm)…why cant they actually blame it on the likely cause rushed vaccines that werent properly studied…the report said the risk for the vaccinated was high even in scenarios with a large crowd of vaccinated mixed with the unvaccinated…smh…i call bs and give me a break …

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Why not blame the rushed vaccines? Of course, it goes against their principles:

  1. The government is never wrong until (a.) the guilty are long gone AND (b.) being wrong is advantageous to the growth of government.
  2. All who rebel against the government are to be feared, alienated, and removed from society if possible. (Non-vaccinated are rebels in this case)

It is amazing that a mere 5 months later and there are reports galore, that the vaccines did NOT prevent nor contain the spread and also many medical emergencies due to the vaccines. The federal and state gov’t continue to advertise and spread the propaganda of the benefits of getting vaccinated!


every person i know who has been diagnosed recently has and was “caught up on vaccines” … i continue to take my various vitamins and foods that boost my own bodys defense…in just 6 weeks i have been to my sons wedding and reception and (after this upcoming saturday) 3 large funerals…my daughter who still lives at home works for a medical clinic where she sees positive tested patients almost daily …she is required to wear a mask during work and is behind a “window”…yet she has been tested as positive 3 times since february…which means she exposes me …so i end up needing to quarantine…but i still to this date have not caught the little bugger