State Guard (WVSG) Discussion

We have National Guard and Air National Guard units within West Virginia that can be activated by the President. There are at least 18 states with defense forces that cannot be activated directly by the federal government. Florida, most recently, declared to be reinstating their WWII era Florida State Guard. This topic is to discuss pros, cons, and opinions of establishing a West Virginia State Guard.

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Here is an article for review, looks very interesting. Although I have never served, I would be interested in this for our state, since many of the other states have a state guard, researching their efforts is a good place to start. Lawmakers unveil Florida State Guard guidelines


I totally support a state guard force which is totally and completely under the control of the governor. Further, i support that the National Guard should not be activated unless there is a natioonal declaration of war by the US Congress.

Additionally, the members and organixation of the militia is up to local citizens getting together for the common defense of their local community.

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